Connection Fate - 縁 えん [en]

Nov 20, 2022


Hello. Have you  heard the word ‘en (connection fate)’? Japanese people use it often. Exactly one year ago, I started sharing my articles on Japanese expressions based on culture learning. I am absolutely happy and cannot appreciate enough for our ‘en’to be honest. In order to thank you, I’ll share 1) the meaning, 2) some expressions using ‘en and 3) the example usages . I hope it will broaden your views.

①「縁」の意味 The meaning of en


Among many people in the world, we meet only a limited number of people in our life. These seem rare chances because you could miss some depending on the timing etc. And we feel ‘en’when our life has changed thanks to the connection.


‘En’ is often used when we learn, experience and achieve something through these special connections, because it seems to be beyond our control and as if something that we cannot see is connecting us for better.

②「縁」を使った表現 The expressions used with ‘en’

 たいてい「縁」という表現をつかいます。「はん」「入学」など、敬意を表すものやことに「ご」をつけるのと同じ気持ちです。Normally it is used as ‘go・en’. ‘Go’ is prefixed to show respect things such as ‘go・han (rice/meal)’ and ‘go・nyugaku (someone’s school entry)’

a 「ご縁がある」= to have someone with ‘goen

      ご縁があって、結婚しました。 We had ‘goen and thus married.

 b 「ご縁に恵まれる」= to have many ‘goen

       ご縁に恵まれて、毎日が充実しています。I have many  ‘go・en’ and my life is fullfilled.

 c 「ご縁をいただく」= Someone/something kindly brings a good ‘goen

      ご縁をいただき、ありがとうございました。 Thank you for introducing the person (feeling ‘goen).

 d 「ご縁に感謝する」= to appreciate for ‘goen

   先生とのご縁に感謝しています。I appreciate for thego・en’ with my teacher.

 e 「ご縁を大切にする」 to value the ‘goen with someone

   皆さまとのご縁は一生大切にしていきたいです。 I will never forget to value the ‘goen with you in my life.

③私が「ご縁」を感じるとき When I feel ‘go・en’

 今、この記事を読んでくださっている方、このご縁に心から感謝いたします。 たくさんある記事の中から私の記事に関心を持ってくださったことを嬉しく思います。いつも私の記事を愛読してくださっている方にも日頃から深くご縁を感じております。

Right now, I appreciate our ‘goen for reading my article. I feel happy that you showed your interest in my article among many others. I also appreciate our ‘go・en’for reading my articles regularly.


I appreciate ‘goen with my students and my teaching staff from the bottom of my heart. You all make my life amazing. You chose to learn Japanese with my academy among many others after the taster lesson. You always support my activities. This ‘goen is absolutely a miracle and it is just beautiful that we can grow together in our life.


The Japanese members of my academy and I have ‘goen through my monthly event, the 'Learning Session in Japanese’, in London. Many of us are still connected after you moved back to Japan.


Dont you think that we can learn from each other and grow together thanks to all those people with ‘goen? Thank you very much for our precious ‘goen. I strongly value this ‘goen with you and hope to contribute to an even more glorious life for you. What do you think about ‘goen?. What is the word, ‘goen in your language? Thank you very much for your time to read my article and your warm support as always.


輝いて  Enrich your life!

新井峰子(Mineko Arai)

Managing Director

Arai Academy of Japanese Studies


Calligraphy by Moji Brush


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