お陰様で [okagesamade] - Thanks to all

Jul 18, 2023


‘okagesamade (thanks to all)’, 8 years has passed since Arai Academy of Japanese studies started our services. It is all thanks to your warm support as always.  Japanese people often use ‘okagesamade’ . I will show you (1) the actual meaning and (2) how to use the expression. I hope it will broaden your views.

①「お陰様で」の意味 The meaning of ‘okagesamade’


‘o is used to express your gratitude, for example, ‘o-sushi not ‘sushi and ‘o-sake not ‘sake, this is because we feel precious about food and drinks (which make us alive) .


‘kage is shade and something not visible which implies energy and support. So, it means that you feel support from your supporters and people working together and you appreciate it.


‘sama shows more respect for someone than ‘san .


‘de is used to connect the sentences.


Therefore, ‘okagesamade shows gratitude to all the support behind the scene rather than your own effort.

②「お陰様で」を使う状況 The situations to use the expression


In a conversation, ‘okagesamade’ is used as a response. For example, ‘Okagesamade, everything is going well.’ to reply to ‘How is the project?’ Also, when you express your thanks at a speech and on a message, ‘Okagesamade, it has been achieved.’ is commonly used.

Arai Academy of Japanese Studiesもお陰様でこの8年間やってこられました。これからも日本語の表現や文法を理解するのに大切な日本人の考え方についていろいろお伝えしていきたいと思います。日本語を学んでくれている皆さんを心から応援しています。よろしくお願いします。

‘Okagesamade Arai Academy of Japanese studies continued our services for the last 8 years. We would like to share more about the Japanese mindset which helps you to understand the expressions and grammar better. Thank you very much for learning Japanese and wed love to support you.  


輝いて  Enrich your life!

新井峰子(Mineko Arai)

Managing Director

Arai Academy of Japanese Studies


Calligraphy by Moji Brush mojibrush.com

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